Friday, May 2, 2014

Weekly Update: 5-2-14

The days had been getting warmer, but this week, the weather annouced, "It's summer!"

Monday, I woke to the roar of the Santa Ana winds. The wind brought in the dry heat. By Wednesday the hills were on fire. Ash blew in, and the air tasted like cigarettes.  I was working at an elementry school at the time, and the poor air quality forced us onto rainy day schedule. I've been coping with the heat by eating copious amounts of ice cream. Sadly, this is just the beginning. It will grow worse.

Last week I decided to "move the goalposts" on my Nanowrimo, which turned out to be a mistake when I got subbing gig on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and had to complete a short story for my Brea Library Writer's Club.  Sadly, Nanowrimo would not let me move the goalpost. I decided to accept my loss and clocked in at 59,000 words (their word count knocked out 1,000 of my words). Better just to focus on my Coffin story.

As the weather transtions, so does my writing, and I've moved from The Originals to Three Floating Coffins. I've completed Chapter 30: "The Lady of the Stars." I'm excited because I got to reveal secrets I've been holding onto for a year now. The story is racing toward the climax, which means I have to weave together all the separate storylines and pump up the action and drama. It's a lot of work, but lots of fun!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your Camp totals! I'm also glad you got work this past week. Cheers on being in a good place in your writing. You go, girl.
